Why I Believe Politics Cannot Be Non-Violent and the Controversy

Politics, a realm of power struggles and conflicting agendas. It’s a world where compromise often takes a backseat to ambition, and where the pursuit of influence can sometimes overshadow ethical considerations. In this blog post, I aim to explore why I firmly believe that politics cannot be non-violent, while also delving into the controversial perception surrounding one of history’s most renowned advocates for non-violence - Mahatma Gandhi. The Illusion of Non-Violent Politics Let’s face it - politics and non-violence are like oil and water; they simply don’t mix....

August 14, 2023 · 3 min · Manoj Nayak

The fundamental premise of the Hindutva movement

The Hindutva movement’s fundamental issue is that if the Muslim population in India exceeds 30 per cent, things will become very unstable. The principle behind this fear is that demographic is destiny. If the minority population grows, there is a power imbalance. To avoid this imbalance stage, which is estimated to happen when the Muslim population reaches 30 per cent of the total population of India. They believe we will be politically unstable or have a separatist movement like Kashmir if we reach this point....

June 13, 2023 · 2 min · Manoj Nayak