Suppose you are on the other side of fifty years old today. It is time to check how many times you need to eat. I discovered on 16-Mar-2023 at 3:04:25 PM IST that eating more than two meals in a day is a complete waste of time.

One is there are so many things one needs to complete and if you eat more than two times a day, you are putting serious stress on your digestive system. Also, if you keep eating more times, your stomach doesn’t know when to rest. It is always geared up to receive food, cause your stomach doesn’t judge you, but your pancreas and liver judge you. They scream for you to stop, they are not able to process the job of digesting which the stomach has passed on to you.

It all results in indigestion and a lot of toxicity build-up. You can see that in loss of sleep, fatigue, flatulence, and sickness.