When I mean woman, I mean the feminine. If you know women very well, you will know that a woman cannot be seduced. She seduces you to seduce her. In a sense, she fools you into thinking that you have seduced her. This gratifies the male ego.

Male energy is aggressive

If it is purely male energy that takes a woman, I call it coercion. Remember, you can’t tell if the woman has come or not. In this sense, the woman can fake an orgasm and even fake her fluids. You have to take her word for it.

For a man, it is pretty simple. He has a hard-on, which is visible. This man with a hard-on cannot lie that the woman does not turn him on, but the woman can deceive her lover.

So like a woman, you cannot force inspiration; she decides to bestow her grace on you. When she comes, you both flow and lose the sense of time.