So, I am on a mission to gain some muscle mass! I hate to look at my emaciated face in the mirror now. After Eating Eggs to Gain Weight i felt I should add more protein to my diet. So grilled chicken is a safest bet. Also, for some reason, my stomach digest chicken very well. I mean I don’t get bloated like I do with carbohydrates.

Ofcourse, I am not getting the marination right! WTF! is hung curd, why cannot you get that in the market. Who has time to hang a curd? Isn’t capital punishment inhuman?

Then, I ate them with some Britannia Kulcha and Ragi Bread. All the time I was thinking about the preservatives they might be adding in the Kulcha.

The thing I don’t like about the grilling is all grime it leaves on the grill which gets difficult to clean. Also, the little butter I add, gets atomised and makes the small studio home and floors sticky.

This is not the actual image, but just a representation created with Dall-e

DALL·E 2022-08-15 12-11-08 - Grilled Tandoori Chicken