Recurring dream of beautiful women chasing me for sex

It been now several months now. As you very well know, I cannot keep things in my stomach and have to vomit everything on this personal blog. Now, I want a solution to this problem. You may say, what is the problem dude, it is just a dream and it is quite normal for a healthy old man to get such dreams as after a certain vintage men stop getting lucky....

March 10, 2023 · 2 min · Manoj Nayak

What does a man want from a woman?

I feel like I am one of the most demanding men out there. So I tend to avoid relationships, why to inflict myself on a woman who is out to have a good time? But maybe I can articulate here what I want and I feel all other men also want. Photo by Samantha Sophiaon UnsplashWhat do women want? But let me digress here and talk first about what women really want from their men?...

February 17, 2022 · 4 min · Manoj Nayak