She turned a Lion into a Goat

They say a woman can make a man feel like a lion. If you woman looks up to you, you will feel like a lion, and if she is disgusted with you will feel worthless. She married an extremely successful man He was a man of his own world. People saluted him for making it from the streets to owning a Mercedes. But as he became upwardly mobile, he desired a cultured woman....

March 22, 2023 · 2 min · Manoj Nayak

Eating more than two times is a waste of your time

Suppose you are on the other side of fifty years old today. It is time to check how many times you need to eat. I discovered on 16-Mar-2023 at 3:04:25 PM IST that eating more than two meals in a day is a complete waste of time. One is there are so many things one needs to complete and if you eat more than two times a day, you are putting serious stress on your digestive system....

March 16, 2023 · 1 min · Manoj Nayak

A Brief Review of Vijaypat Singhania Autobiography

I saw an Instagram reel with the 84-year-old VPS (Vijaypat Singhania) telling his story about how his son Gautam has made him homeless (Yes, he lives in a rented apartment). I was immediately curious why the successful, wealthy businessman faced such a fate from his youngest child. I picked up the kindle book for Rs 190 and used the Alexa app to listen to the book. The book was an easy listen, but I was disappointed that he has just at the end of the book talked about how he gifted away Rs 2000 crore worth of his 37% stake in Raymonds to his son....

March 10, 2023 · 2 min · Manoj Nayak

A feminist divorced her husband cause she was expected to cook

I don’t know why people tell me their stories. On one such accidental meeting with an old acquaintance in a coffee shop, we got talking. Since I always had a soft corner for her and was a bit jealous that she was now married, I asked her about her marriage. But then she blurted out she was divorced. Woah! Man, was I expected to feel glee and rub my hands? Maybe I could have a chance now?...

March 10, 2023 · 3 min · Manoj Nayak

A guide on when to be ruthless

Do you often wonder if you hurt someone with your thoughtless deed or words. Do you feel you were overtly ruthless to someone who was close to you? If you are guilty, you need to read this! Understanding the difference between Projects and Areas Life can be divided into Projects and Areas. Projects have a deadline and the precise reason for the deadline is that we need to reach the market or introduce a new feature will help us keep out business alive or deliver the bang for the buck for our investors....

March 10, 2023 · 3 min · Manoj Nayak


March 10, 2023 · 0 min · Manoj Nayak


Dall-e is an open sourced AI which generates digital art. Learn more on their website

March 10, 2023 · 1 min · Manoj Nayak

How to overcome "eternal lust' aka "kam vasna"

I just heard this entire talk by Osho this morning, so I thought I might as well sum it up as it is fresh in memory. This is Osho at it’s best! His articulation and drilling down into minutiae is like no one else. I feel due to short attention spans nowadays no one has the patience to tell stories like Osho does. I had stopped listening to him as I also felt he sounded dated....

March 10, 2023 · 3 min · Manoj Nayak

My Monthly Newsletter

In case you are interested in hearing from me straight to your inbox you can sign up for my monthly newsletter here, which is sent usually in the last week of the month. It contains links to all about the blogposts I have written. Subscribe here!

March 10, 2023 · 1 min · Manoj Nayak


Osho was an Indian Spiritual Guru. Read more about him here - Rajneesh and OSHO – Transform Yourself through the Science of Meditation

March 10, 2023 · 1 min · Manoj Nayak